Whether you are a first time customer or a customer of long standing, ADT wants to be your first choice.
Our guarantee is to support you and your business to the best of our ability. Whether that is with advice and
software you get for free, a service contract, or repairs, we work with our customers.
Tech Articles
A customer of ours had a small RAID drive (A Lacie NAS drive), which had a bad controller. They were unable to
mount the drive under Wondows, so they turned it over to us. In the process of retrieving the data, we learned a lot
and decided to share the wealth. We rewrote our internal notes to something a newbie can basically follow. So
without further ado, The RAID Recovery Procedure.
We have written hundreds of tech articles for blogs, magazines, and newspapers. The best of them will find
their way here. Stay tuned!
Software for Self Help
Here are nine pieces of software that can help you out of a jam or keep your computer running well. As with
most tools, there is the possibility of damage due to misuse or malfunction. While Alpha Dog can't guarantee the
quality or suitability of these tools to solve your specific issue, nor your skill in using them, it's what we use
in some cases. Use these with confidence, but at your own risk.
What Our Customers Say
"I used your solution to capturing flip-chart results the other day, and brought my camera to a client
conference where we did a flip-chart brainstorming session for an entire business overview. Worked a treat!
They kept the originals (new conference room wall art!) and I took the images; now I can make my follow-up
notes from the prints! What a valuable idea! Thanks for that."
-Debra Hood, Communication Specialties Inc.
"I wanted to say thank you for coming to my house today and setting me up. I so appreciate your talent
and help [...] It means a great deal. Thank you again!!!"
-Taryn Edwards, ACS
"Thanks so much for helping me. I usually go to John[ Viel, Computer Troubleshooter], but my health is
getting bad enough that it takes me all day to leave the house. You really made my day."
-Carl Holzhauer
"I can't thank you enough for your work. We didn't even know you were here last night, except that
everything just worked this morning. Wow!"
-Debbie Channel, HCYS
Large or small, stem to stern, Alpha Dog is the IT solution for your business.