
How many times have you disconnected everything on your computer and dragged it into the shop, only for the technician to say he can't duplicate the problem? As frustrating as this is for the client, it is even more frustrating for the technician! They can either simply write "CND" (can not duplicate) on the bill and charge you, knowing full well they'll see you again, or they can spend hours playing detective trying to figure out faults on equipment that is not in front of them. Not exactly a winnable scenario.

This is a game we tired of as quickly as our customers did, so we did something about it. We retooled our business to work on systems on-site. This allows us to quickly determine the faults of the system in situ and apply remedies directly. We can handle any job, large or small, regardless if it is a 20 year old mini computer, brand new laptop, balky laser printer, or wiring your home or office.

Need a new power supply? Want to upgrade the RAM or the hard drive? Looking for a better virus protection? Do you want your system upgraded to the latest version of Windows Mac OSX or Linux? Alpha Dog can provide service for all of your computer needs. Hardware, software, and general computer maintenance.

For our customers who want to drop their computer off somewhere for service, we have researched and qualified service centers who meet our standards in rates, knowledge, ability, and ethics. Just call our office for a free telephone evaluation and referral to the closest, most qualified service center.

Rates and Charges

Our standard rate within the local service area is $50 per hour with a 1 hour minimum.

For charitable organizations such as churches and non-profits, our rate is $25 per hour

Our local service area is a 50 mile radius from our office in Walsenburg, Colorado.

For service calls beyond 50 miles, we charge driven mileage at a rate of .48 cents per mile plus time.

For other modes of travel such as airline, we charge actual travel cost and time.

For jobs over 3 hours travel time, we may charge actual costs for per diem. Rates vary according to location, not to exceed national standard rates set by GSA.

Large or small, stem to stern, Alpha Dog is the IT solution for your business.

All content copyright © 2010 Alpha Dog Technical Services, LLC. All rights reserved.