Subject: Just Hello
You probably don't remember me, but I was wandering thru La Veta on
Sunday, December 14th, and was admiring the real estate sketches in
Bachman's window, more from a graphic standpoint than from their sales
content, and you popped your head out the door and invited me in. I was
in a hurry and declined, but took your card. I'm home today with a bum
back, saw your card lying here on my desk and since this back has
slowed me down for awhile, I looked up your web site … and it's
Your presentation of the area is magical … or maybe it's the area that's magical. I think it's both.
I actually had been heading down I-25 to Trinidad checking out older
neighborhoods in Front Range towns south of the Springs, places that
may have restorable older homes. I got to Walsenburg, was disappointed
and decided to head toward Alamosa and the mountains, but wandered off
on Hwy 12, a road I had never traveled. You are right; it was like
drifting back into the Colorado I remembered back in the 60's and 70's.
The place that drew me like a magnet, a "Rocky Mt. High"! The place we
came to live in; a career was secondary to the experience of being
there. That was Aspen and Summit County, where I lived, but no longer
the same. By the mid 70's fuel shortages and the recession were
dragging things down. When the company I worked for, a large A&E
firm was foreclosed, I became a landscape architect on the construction
of I-70 over Vail Pass, but in the winter of ‘76 the CDH laid us off.
With the dream fading, I took a job in Michigan … the end of the "High".
I keep coming back, looking for what I left. Stopping in La Veta was a
wonderful breath of fresh air … and so I followed the Highway of
Legends all the way to Trinidad, seeing the Spanish Peaks countryside
for the first time. Your web site really communicates the feeling of
the area, and I will be coming back. This is the Colorado I have been
trying to find again! Thanks for the inspiration!
Best Regards,
(A new friend)