Do you remember a place called Colorado?

Where people came to live because of the mountains and stunning beauty. A place famous for PhD's working as your waiter so they could ski the freshest powder in the morning.

A place where you might come upon a picnic in the aspens and be greeted with a smile and a glass of wine, not a frown and a turned head. By now, you might imagine it was just the rosy glow of a long lost dream.

Was there really ever a place like that?

A place that was so beautiful it literally brought tears to your eyes and a lump to your throat.

How long has it been since you found yourself taking deep breaths of fresh air just because it smells so good? Are there really mountain streams so clear you can actually see the trout dance against the current? A place so quiet, all you hear are the sounds of nature, the soft wind, the birds, the bubbling stream?

Do you remember morning horse rides and smell of hot coffee, eggs and bacon cooking over an open fire? Do you remember the long hikes to cold-cold lakes protected by towering ragged peaks, rolling vistas of open green meadows, blue sky and white puffy clouds behind high granite?

Do you remember just sitting on clean grass in the afternoon sun, your back against a warm rock, a slow breeze making the aspen trees sing that soft song of the high country? A song so sweet and calm you didn't even wish for a book to keep you company. To just lay back and let the shadows play across your eyelids and then to watch as the day winds down to a sunset too colorful to be believed.

Is it all gone, lost forever?

I know a place. A place where peace and beauty have survived and flourished. Those memories you had almost convinced yourself were fantasies are still here. This place runs from the Wet Valley to the New Mexico border. Not that wide and not that long, but at its heart and soul is a place called La Veta.

It is an undiscovered country where your dreams can come true.

Let me show you this place and you decide if you hear its soft siren's song. An undiscovered country where the Colorado you may remember still lives and breathes and grows.