Lobo Savvy's philosophy is that every situation has an answer and we do our best to find it.
We like mysteries, puzzles and challenges. We've been told that we think so far outside of the box
that we've never seen it. Brainstorming to finding solutions for our clients is a real pleasure.
Evaluating systems or finding software for your computer is our forte. We provide the answers to your
business questions whether they are related to computers, networks, Internet access, communications,
or staffing.
We host computer classes so that people can improve their job skills. This make our workforce more
informed and capable, benefiting everyone. We teach techniques for the computer user that take the
simple, "pencil" functions of computers right up to symphony level. We have helped move businesses
into the computer age, easing paperwork hassles. We have helped struggling businesses find free or
low cost software packages saving them thousands, money they can use to grow. We have given businesses
global reach while trimming their phone bills.
Massive change is not just potentially destructive to an organization, it is also usually unnecessary.
We consult with businesses of all types to find these "magic bullets", little things that make all the
difference. We are sensitive to organizational culture, making it possible to continue "business as usual"
while we tune the process.
Where a change in paradigm is required, Lobo Savvy has public speakers available. We can speak to select
staff, a board of directors, or assembled group. The size of the group is no issue. While our style is
adaptable to the organizational culture, our presentations are always positive, upbeat and empowering.
We have the tools. We have the knowledge.
We want you to succeed.
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